Saturday, October 02, 2004

Cat-007 [Big Boss Cuts] Take-5 <~>

Cat-007 [Big Boss Cuts] Take-5 <~> Over the past month i have been very busy at the National Labour Confrence watching all the campaines and Rich Delligates out shoping, stuffing their faces with food and wine in the resturants... They were around the city in their tens of thousands, Peace Protesters of the Iraqui War, Protesters over the ban on Fox Hunting and more money for Pensioners etc... I even had a young lady phone my celluar and beg me out for a meal she wined and dined me and at the end of it all she payed the bill... Now the Partys over i can get down to some seriouse work again and voice my opinion on my blog... ok! for now-chow mama...


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