Cat-007 [Big Boss Cuts] Take-5 <☆>

Cat-007 [Big Boss Cuts] Take-5 <☆>Everyone has a book inside them - and now we all want to see it published. Creative writing courses, bloggers and writing groups... how did we become a nation of writers?
What's that tap-tap tapping sound in the middle of the night? It's the din of millions of wannabe writers across the land, drafting their irresistible novel, punching out the last lines of a killer screenplay or hammering home their own editorials in a blog.
We've turned into a nation of writers. And this week saw the awarding of a literary prize that taps into the vast lake of unpublished writing - the New Writing Ventures Awards.
This talent-spotting award is specifically for people who have an idea that they want to develop into a published book, with the prize including a year-long writing course as well as £5,000 cash. And it gives agents and publishers a chance to check out the upcoming literary stars.
What does a winning idea look like? This year's fiction category has been won by 27-year-old Eleanor Thom, who entered a chapter from her work-in-progress novel, called Burns. Praised by the judges for being "at once natural and impeccably honed", it's about the experience of Travellers who settled in Scotland in the 1950s.
Even if she wasn't going to be published, she says she would still need to write...