Friday, October 06, 2006

Cat-007 [Big Boss Cuts] Take-5 <☆>

Cat-007 [Big Boss Cuts] Take-5 <> Head Line New's ... Simplifying is not a panacea ... It won’t solve all the problems of our lives, or of the world. But it’s a good beginning. Ask anyone who is past the age to recall a time when they were truly happy. Most people will say they are pretty happy now, though they may admit they sometimes feel overwhelmed by the demands of life these days. If you press them further a lot of people will remember a time in their youth, so reconstructing some fond memories. When you examine the precepts you need to maintaine certain standards of cleanliness, organization, efficiency and so-called style. The routine household chores are that our clothes have to be whiter than white, that our mirrors have to be polished to a blinding brightness, our Spaghetti Bolognese less delectable because we can't see our reflection on the side of the pan? This is not to suggest that we can set our own standards. They were set in the boardrooms of Unilever, Procter & Gamble and Johnson Wax among others. If you've got a time consuming job, that alone might be a sufficient reason to simplify your life, and many people think of the possibility of down shifting so they can free-up time. Time for solitude, setting aside the time depending on some extent how complicated your life is and how adept you are at changing gears.

Don’t underestimate the tremendous power of taking a simple step like this and if you commit to it, incredible things will happen. No-doubt some people can arrange a quiet time at home but if your life is anything like mine and you have so much going on, it might be easier if you can get away from your work environment. As an alternative consider renting a convenient hotel room for a couple of days and giving out the phone number only for emergencies. Consider finding a quiet table at your library or create time without the usual interruptions. If you are momentarily out of touch with the innermost workings of your being, yes, the easy part, be patient. Think of the distractions you don’t want to hear, like your inner voice may be telling you what you really need to do to make your lives better. I found it helpful to keep questions in mind, and if I notice my life starting to get complicated, to simply get rid of the clutter that was temporary a step back. So I committed to a tight deadline and the two-step one step phenomenon can occur on the way to living. We each have to decide for our selves when it’s appropriate to bow out of these kinds of endeavours and the activities were involved in that are no longer serving a purpose. Yes, Then we drop them.

One thing that made it possible for me to keep going at high speed while moving quickly through the ablutions, was reading the morning paper or watch the breakfast news, having a swig of coffee then flying out the door without reflecting on what were doing, while in some case's, some of our daily work procedures are less automatic than others for the tasks we take on, and to eliminate those activities and substitute more appealing pursuits, Unless your Jules Renard how you respond to requests for your time depends to some extent on your relationship with the person whose asking. With friends just be honest you don’t need to get into a major discussion about it with the crazy-makers, you put your foot down until they get the picture. American, Harvard Sociologist Juliet Schor reports that fast trackers have continued to work longer hour's without increased pay because they don’t know how to say no. Professor Schor however, points out that shorter hours wont be handed over by management, we have to claim them for ourselves. So why haven’t you painted your Mona Lisa? Or sculpted your David? Or written your play? or dangled on your Wax & Wine? and dated your Richard Branson? and even driven your A.M. DB9 or started any other creative pursuit. It’s a fair question.

Given the rapid pace of technological advances that are taking place every day, were going to have to think and address to the issue of whether or not the internet, E-mail, blogging, and virtual reality software for every conceivable application and computer development, that we haven’t actually thought of yet. I allocated time to have the pleasure and meet some technocrats who may never come back to the real world because the options can be complicated and daunting. One of the greatest challenges we face, is to find a balance that is available to us all because of the media –implanted-urge in our brain, to have the desire to keep focused on the things that really matter... ... ...


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